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The Importance of Play


The Importance of Play

It is important that we give our children things that interest them tonplay with so that they can expand their learning through play. We can find out what they enjoy by observing what they are doing and saying and provide them with activities that match their interests but also enhance their learning.

Support them as they play, allow them to explore and learn from their play in their own way, only intervening to enhance their understanding or help them to physically do something showing small steps so that they can learn as much for themselves as possible. Play is a child’s work, this is when they do their learning so allow them the time to think and do without disturbing. They may invite you to become part of their play. They want to learn from you at this point and enhance their play with your experience, such as pretending to be at the hairdresser, and learning new concepts such as having a cut and colour!

A child’s language will develop through their play, practicing during role play, small world play, gaining confidence to use new words, practicing social situations,  making relationships. They will explore the Language of the world around them,  of familiar objects and routines, and the language that relates to their feelings by exploring how other people or things may be feeling too. Listen, allow them time to speak, and time to reply, and encourage them by joining in when they prompt you with their words or actions.

Manufactured toys are not always what encourages the best play for the child. Simple objects that they might choose, like a spoon and a bowl might be all they want that day to create lovely play, maybe cooking or making a potion. It could spark hours of creativity and imagination.

Don’t stop their play because you feel it’s not structured or educational, or using the best resources.  If they are safe and enjoying their play, and are choosing to do what they are doing,  they will be learning too. There is no need to stop them.

Play is learning.  Play is development. Play is childs work.  Play is a right.

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